Memorial Day Weekend in Grants Pass, Oregon
Boatnik 2011 in Grants Pass

Grants Pass Boatnik Parade
click here >> for the Boatnik Carnival at Riverside Park
for the Tom Rice Memorial Day Hydroplane Races  << click here

This is the Fourth of Four Photo Sets
taken during the Boatnik Parade
followed by links to the other three

More Grants Pass H. S. Cheerleaders, and this time they brought the football team!

Excuse my soapbox, but could we possibly rename this school after someone 
who was NOT a murderer bent on genocide?

At least The Friends of the Library are still in business!

Easy there big fella.  No sonic booms permitted in the Wild & Scenic corridor.

Is it just my imagination, or has Smokey Bear been letting himself go lately?

Dave Siddon and friends from Wildlife Images


The Lincoln Savage Middle School band

Josephine County Shriners

Okay, there were a LOT of radio stations with entries in the parade, but I've always been partial to classic rock (even back when it wasn't yet classic, if that gives you any clue as to my age) and nobody does it like "The Boy," KBOY, 95.7 FM

Learn to Square Dance, FREE!  Call 218-1088

Grants Pass Middle Schools (North AND South) Sixth Grade Band
(If the North and South had always gotten along so famously we could've saved Mr. Lincoln a lot of trouble...)

Can't afford an electric car?  How about a golf cart?

Amy Lemke, Miss Josephine County!
(Sorry guys, no phone number on this one...)

Drat!  I had to change disks and missed the Pottsville float, but here are the tractors!

Okay,  that's it!
 << Previous Photo Set <<


©2008-2010 John Granacki Internet Arts

If you're still around town for the first Friday in June, be sure to join us downtown from 6 to 9 pm for Grants Pass' First Friday Art Walk & Roving Gallery Artist's Party, co-sponsored by the Artists and Merchants of Grants Pass, Oregon! 
Click here for the current First Friday Art Night exhibition schedule.

Boatnik Jetboat Races ~ Two Hydroplanes Racing Between Shan Creek and Griffin Park